This is the text from the Tillsonburg Connects article referenced previously explaining Industry 4.0.  Our explanation of how we fit in the Industry 4.0 space can be found here.

"Industry 4.0” was the brainchild of the German government, and describes the next phase in manufacturing – a so-called fourth industrial revolution. The phases consist of the following:

- Industry 1.0: Water/steam power

- Industry 2.0: Electric power

- Industry 3.0: Computing power

- Industry 4:0: Internet of Things (IOT) power

As you can imagine, building a new industrial paradigm around the Internet of Things calls for managers and professionals across all occupations to step up and support growth in new ways. Industry 4.0 will involve horizontal and vertical system integration, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, the cloud and Big Data, robots and additive manufacturing (among other factors).

In order to support the integration of Industry 4.0 concepts into the local economic base, Tillsonburg Town
Council has approved a three-year collaboration with the Manufacturing Acceleration Program (MAP). The goal of this collaboration is to facilitate growth by raising the competitiveness and profitability of local manufacturing companies. This will be accomplished by defining clear and distinctive business strategies and knowledge transfer, and by focusing on innovation in products, processes and markets.

The Tillsonburg Economic Development Office and MAP representatives have already begun working with local companies. However, if you are interested in finding out more about how this could benefit your company, please contact Cephas Panschow, Development Commissioner, at 519.688.3009, ext 3250 or visit
